LiquidWood & WoodEpox Kits
Wood Restoration Kit (Abatron) This kit conveniently packages together equal volumes of Liquidwood A and B and Wood Epox A and B. Liquid Wood is a deep penetrating wood consolidate that regenerates and waterproofs rotted, dried out or spongy wood. It restores structural strength and durability to wood fibers. Wood Epox is a shrink-free wood replacement compound that can be used in any thickness to replace and repair wood. It can be painted, stained, sanded and worked like wood.
The unprecedented system for permanent high-strength restoration and repair of wood, including : window, columns, decks, doors furniture, millwork, stairs, floors, antiques.
Coverage Rate: is calculated from the fact that one gallon of material is 231 cubic inches. That is: one gallon will cover 1,600 sq. ft. one thousandth of an inch thick, 16 sq.ft. 1/10 thick, or 1.6 sq.ft. one inch thick. This is easy to calculate for Wood Epox.
The coverage for Liquid Wood is often difficult to predict, due to the different absorption patterns in most applications. Replaces rotted or missing sections of wood. Fills cracks and voids. Bonds permanently with high-strengths. Virtually shrink-free. Can be stained, painted, sanded, planed, nailed and drilled.
LiquidWood and WoodEpox are ideal for log home repair and restoration.
Q. How long should I wait to paint, stain, or sand after applying LiquidWood and WoodEpox? Wait about 24 hours after the products have hardened.
Usage: Interior or Exterior
Coverage Rate:
2 Pints will cover 58 Cubic Inches
2 Quarts will cover 115 Cubic Inches
2 Gals will cover 462 Cubic Inches
(We Ship Continental US Only)