Carpenter bees are large (1 inch), yellow and black bees which become active in early spring. They resemble bumble bees but do not live in colonies, have fewer hairs and no pollen sacs on the hind legs. They appear around homes and are a nuisance. Although it is rare to be stung by one, their sheer size is scary and people generally stay clear of them.
Their nest is much more of a concern. These nests, if left untreated, will result in extensive structural damage and will result in costly repairs within a few years. The female will go in and out of the nest so patience will show where the entrance is. Killing individual bees with a liquid insecticide will not destroy the bee's young. THE NEST MUST BE TREATED.
Carpenter bees get their name from their ability to drill through wood and nest in the hole. Their drilling creates a near-perfect hole, approximately 1/2 inch in diameter. The hole is usually located on the underside of the wood surface; including siding, soffits, decks, overhangs, fence posts and window frames. Although the hole appears to be only an inch or two deep, it rarely ends there. The female carpenter bee will turn 90 degrees and bore a channel from 6 inches to as long as 4 feet. This channel serves as a main corridor from which she will drill small chambers a few inches deep. These chambers become egg holders. She will deposit an egg, bring in a mass of pollen for the newly hatched larvae to feed on, and then seal it all off to ensure it's development before she repeats the process for the next egg.
The male spends most of his time flying around the nest playing guard. This is ironic as nature has left him ill prepared: he has no stinger! Only the female can sting. Simply killing the male will not solve your problem.
Note: Treating the carpenter bee hole is simple, easy and safe. The best and most effective product is "Drione Dust", and a Crusader Duster which is available from I-Wood-Care. As the female enters the hole, she will drag the dust into the nest and kill all the larvae. Drione Dust lasts for many months and is very safe. Drione Dust will kill Carpenter Bees within 5 minutes.
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